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Report a Recruitment Infraction

If you would like to report (or suspect) a Recruitment Regulations or Guidelines infraction, Bylaw infraction, or other rule infraction please first speak with your Chapter President or executive board member in charge of recruitment (Recruitment Chair, VP Recruitment, etc). Chapter Presidents and recruitment exec, Pi Chis, and members of the ISC Recruitment Executive Board have the authority to submit a form to the ISC Vice President of Judiciary. 


Once the President is aware of the infraction, the President has the ability to submit a complaint form to the ISC VPJ via an online form (Google Form in 2025) that will be shared at the beginning of recruitment. The President will complete the report form, and the VPJ will follow up to discuss with both the reporting party and the accused party. During the formal recruitment period, discussions will typically occur the same day as the submission of the infraction form. Upon conclusion of discussions, should the VPJ decide there is an infraction, she will share the official NPC Peer Accountability Recruitment Infraction Form. This is considered formally reporting the infraction, which will result in a formal or informal Peer Accountability mediation or Peer Accountability Board Meeting.


For any questions or concerns, please contact Virginia Pillion at or (276) 623-7272 (text preferred)

Members above who are approved for reporting can find the ISC Recruitment Violations Report Form here.​​​

©2024 by Virginia ISC.

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