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The fraternity and sorority community at UVA is one of excellence- excellence in the classroom, in extracurricular achievement, and in contributions to the larger UVA and Charlottesville communities.

Academic Excellence

Some statistics: 

1. All Inter-Sorority Council GPA for Fall 2017 was 3.539 compared to the all UVA female Undergraduate GPA, which was a 3.458

2. Out of the 209 affiliated students who received a 4.0 last semester, 138 were members of the Inter-Sorority Council. You also could phrase it as 66% of the 4.0’s achieved last semester by members of the Greek community, were members of the inter-sorority council

3. Out of 1789 sorority members, 1124 had a 3.5 or higher!

Many of our Greek students are Jefferson, Echols, and Rodman scholars pursuing intensive academic programs.

Excellence in the UVA Community

Greek students at UVA represent some of the brightest and most engaged in our student community. In addition to devoting hours to their particular fraternity or sorority, Greek students participate in and lead some of UVA’s most prestigious and honorable organizations, including the Honor and Judiciary Committees, Student and Class Councils, Residence Life, the Cavalier Daily, the University Guide Service, the Jefferson Literary and Debating Society, and many of UVA’s service initiatives: Madison House, Dance Marathon, Relay for Life, and Pancakes for Parkinson's.

Excellence in the Charlottesville Community and Beyond

The Greek community gives more than 40,000 hours of service and $50,000 in philanthropy efforts each year. Initiatives benefit local communities, such as the Charlottesville Ronald McDonald House, the UVA Children’s Hospital, and local community tutoring programs. Service also extends to global efforts, such as supporting cancer research and victims of sexual assault. In addition to individual chapter efforts, a variety of cross-council collaborations and programs occur throughout the year.

©2024 by Virginia ISC.

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